- School Info
Homework Plan
This plan complies with Board Policy 6154 and Administrative Regulation #6.21 Guidelines for Homework.
Purpose of Homework: The staff at Bathgate Elementary School believes that homework should reinforce academic skills taught in school in order for students to become lifelong learners. Homework is the responsibility of the student, and that students should develop regular study habits and do assignments independently, when possible. Homework will not place an undue burden on students and their families. The classroom learning objectives will be reinforced and will meet the needs of individual student’s abilities.
Students will be given the opportunity to make up school work missed because of an excused absence and shall receive full credit if the work is turned in according to the classes established make-up schedule.
2.6.1 Frequency and Average Amount of Homework
Kindergarten through fifth grades will have homework assigned on a weekly basis and it will include four nights a week. It is acceptable that assignments be given over some weekends or holidays. In addition, students will be expected to read independently or with parents for at least 15 to 20 minutes daily. The amount of time to be assigned for homework is as follows:
Some grade levels will assign only reading as homework on various days. Grade levels will also, on occasion, assign long-term homework such as research projects, book reports, etc.
Individual students’ differing learning styles and ability levels will be reflected in assigned homework. Opportunities for advanced learners to excel will be reflected in the depth and complexity of the homework given. Struggling students may have homework modified to their ability.
2.6.2 Grade Weight of Homework
Homework grades will reflect both academic and effort grading, as specified on the report card. The homework academic grade will weigh no more than thirty percent of the total grade for the unit or reporting period. At the discretion of the teacher, parts of long term projects may be given achievement grades.
2.6.3 Homework Make-Up Procedures
Illness/Excused Absences: Students will be given an appropriate amount of time to make up the work based on the reason for their absence and the amount of work they are capable of doing in consideration of their absence.
Late Work: Students will be encouraged to turn in late or missing homework with at least partial credit given for work that is handed in within a reasonable time period. This time period shall be determined by each individual grade level/teacher.
Consequences for Chronic Late or Missing Work: The teacher of a student who is chronic with late and missing homework should have a plan of progressive consequences, which should include, but is not limited to, parent notification and parent conferences. If remediation is not forthcoming, the teacher should refer the student to the student study team and set up intervention strategies with the team, the parents, and the student.
2.6.4 Guidelines for Appropriate Parent Involvement in Homework
Parent involvement will vary at each grade level, with greater responsibility expected of the students to complete and turn in homework as they progress through the grades. Parents should help “facilitate” homework, participate eagerly in assignments that call for parental involvement, but should not do the homework for their child. It should not be the role of the parent to bring any assignment left at home. Key components for parent involvement are to:
Parents should not be expected to teach student new skills. If your child has not learned a skill, please communicate this to the teacher.
2.6.5 Means by Which Parents Will Be Informed about Expectations
Parents will be informed about homework procedures by teachers during Back to School Night, at conferences, and through written communications. Specific written instructions for parental help will be included with special assignments. Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 will complete student planners which include homework assignments to share with parents daily.
2.6.6 In School Procedures to Teach Study Habits
Teachers will review appropriate general study habits for successful completion of homework and preparation for special requirements or assignments. At teacher’s discretion, homework assignments may be modified on an individual student basis.
2.6.7 Access to Resources, Materials, Assistance/Support
To ensure that students have access to resources and supplies, a list of materials, supplies and resources needed to complete homework will be sent home at the beginning of each school year. If students do not have access to needed resources at home, teachers will modify the assignment to fit the student’s needs.
2.6.8 Coordination of Assignments, Tests Among Teachers
Planning of homework assignments will be part of the overall grade level team’s and individual teacher’s planning process to ensure assignments are standards content driven, that teachers and grade levels teaming within or across curriculum are aware of homework assignments and testing being given by instructors other than the homeroom teacher, and that the amount of homework is in line with 2.6.1.
2.6.9 Procedures for Informing Students of Link Between Homework Assignment and Standards
Teachers will be sure that students understand the relationship between a homework assignment and the individual objectives and overall curriculum goals of the content standard(s) to which the assignment is linked. This information should be stated at the beginning of the lesson or upon assignment of the homework.
2.6.10 Guidelines for Student Success in Homework Completion
To successfully complete homework, students should: