- School Policies
Regular school attendance is critical to academic success for children. Arriving at school on time and ready to learn teaches a strong work ethic, as well as builds responsibility. However, children should be kept home when they are ill. Ample time will be provided for them to make up any work that is missed.
A Call-in Absent program is provided at Bathgate. Please leave a recorded message at 348-8477 when children are absent from school. Pupils are excused if absent because of illness. If a child is tardy (not in their class line by 8:00 am bell), he/she must check in through the Front Office before being admitted to class. Frequent tardies without a valid excuse is considered truancy under the law. Students with continued tardies and/or unexcused absences will be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) for disciplinary action.
Under state rules, the District loses $40 per day for every student absence. While school funding is certainly a concern during these trying economic times, of more importance to us is the loss of instructional minutes for children when they are absent. Please schedule vacations during school holidays and doctor appointments after school. Of course, we certainly understand when illness or family emergencies arise - but we do want students here and ready for learning every day of the 180 school days! Missing school is missing a unique day of learning that will be lost forever.